Tag: learn

Top 10 Tips Before Bringing Home A New Puppy

Whether you are buying your new puppy from a local breeder or adoptingone from the pound, the introduction of this new family member will meanenormous changes to your life. From how you travel to how well (or poorly) yousleep, you will see the influence of your new four-legged family member incountless ways. It does not matter if this is your first pet or not - there are stepsyou should take to make your new puppy, and everyone else in the family, ascomfortable as possible. Here are 10 ways to get ready for the new addition. 1.Puppy-proof your home - In[...]

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How to Train Your Pup for the Iron Doggy

It’s a new year and you’re tired of making excuses. You’vedecided that this is the year you’re going to do it: compete in a marathon.You’ve been busy researching marathons online that are held across the country,the groups they’re “run” by (get it?!) and what it would cost to compete. Thenone day you come across the IronDoggy . Iron Doggy events are for runners and their dogs! How cool isthat—you and your pupper can train together and race together; it’ll make for awhole new bonding experience! Though your dog might love to run around you in circles atthe dog park, that[...]

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10 Strange Things All Dog Owners Secretly Do

Never is it more annoying to be asked when you’re going tohave kids than in front of your fur baby. Clearly Aunt Zelda has lost it—howcan she ignore your little scruff monster like that?! Grr! Okay, okay, take acouple of deep breaths. You have to admit it, to other people it’s odd that youthink of your dog as your fur child. They just don’t accept it. It doesn’tmatter how cute their personalized dogcollar is or how well-trained they are; non-dog owners just don’tunderstand what it means to have a dog. It’s sad really, how can they not knowhow great it[...]

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What Is Kennel Cough And How Do I Fix It?

Kennel Cough: Symptoms and Treatment If your dog is coughing a lot,seems tired, and won't eat much they may have Kennel Cough.  Here are some quick tips on treatment: First, you should always seek the help of your veterinarian if you are concerned with the health of your dog Most dogs can fend off Kennel Cough in 2-3 weeks on their own without medication If your dog is elderly, a puppy, or has other conditions then they may need antibiotics, so GO TO YOUR VET Keep your dog away from other dogs while they display symptoms Try switching to soft[...]

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