Tag: quotes

Quotes About Love And Dogs

Since you're reading this, chances are pretty good that you love dogs.  Sometimes it's difficult for us to truly express how much we care about our dogs.  We've fetched these loving dog quotes to help us communicate our appreciation of, and emotion toward our dogs. There are also some great quotes from celebrities and various famous historical figures talking about how much they love their dogs Feel free to share them, tweet them, or just bookmark our blog and check back every week for new posts Love dogs?  Check out these awwwesome quotes "There's a saying. If you want someone to[...]

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What Happens When Your Dog texts You?

Texts Your Dog Would Send If They Had a Phone Tell us some things your dog would text you. Use the comments below or tweet at us @HotDogCollars Tell us some things your dog would text you. Use the comments below or tweet at us @HotDogCollars

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