Tag: learn

Help! My Dog Has Separation Anxiety

You put on your shoes, grab your keys, and make your way to the door.Before you can even turn the knob, your dog appears. He begins whining,yipping, and frantically circling your feet. Your heart sinks, and youremotions waffle between frustration and guilt. It's a common scene, played out in households across the world. Yourdog, like thousands of others, is suffering from separation anxiety. It occurswhen a dog experiences severe distress when separated from his guardian. He maybark, whine, howl, and use the bathroom inside. In the most severe cases, hemay destroy furniture, doors, window treatments, and other household items. Separation[...]

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Should You Vaccinate Your Dog?

With all the different stories in recent years about vaccines, let's be perfectly clear on this:  Puppy vaccines are essential for a healthy pet. The sooneryou start your puppy on a regular vaccination program, the healthier andhappier your pet will be. While the rabies vaccine is required by law, theother shots will also protect your new pet from disease. You can be sure thatregular vaccinations are healthy for your dog, and the possible side effectsare usually minimal. Side Effects and Reactions Some mild discomfort at the injection side is normal, andshould be expected. In some cases, your puppy may experience[...]

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5 Cool Facts About Cockapoos

The Cockapoo is often referred to as a mixed-breed or designer dog. It is a cross between a poodle and a cocker spaniel, creating a pet that offers some of the features from each breed while avoiding many of the genetic imperfections commonly found within purebreds. The cockapoo is often healthier than either a poodle or acocker spaniel simply because it does not have any of the genetic defectstypically found in either breed. Since the animal is healthier, it is oftenhappier as well. Fewer vet visits and treatments are required, minimizing anydiscomfort commonly associated with poodles and cocker spaniels. Crossbreeding[...]

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Canine Aggression Warning Signs

Do you have a good dogor a bad dog? That question and its answer are actually misleading as weshould really be looking for abnormal behavior, not "good or bad.” Aresponsible owner recognizes this behavior in their dog and works to addressthe issue before it escalates into a dangerous situation. Check out the 11 dog behaviors below to see if your canine isshowing aggression signs. Neutral Behavior Licks nose: A calmingsignal , a dog will lick its nose to show comfort and happiness. Sits and paws owner:A signalof communication , dogs’ paw at their owners to get their attention, whetherthat’s wanting[...]

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