3 Lifestyle Changes to Expect When You Get a Dog

dog begging at table

If you’re thinking about expanding your family by one furry member, it’s necessary to consider all that will change after the new pup crosses his adorable little paws over your threshold. There will be another mouth to feed, more bath times, more exercise—but there will also be a whole lotta love! Like with anything, making the decision to adopt a puppy is a significant one; dogs, much like children, demand excellent care if they’re to thrive. After bringing your little one home and getting him situated with vet appointments and adorning him with his personalized and oh-so-cute dog ID tags,[...]

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3 Ways to Curb Aggressive Behavior in Your Alpha Dog

Aggressive dog tips

Dogs get a bad rap in the news media. If someone has been bitten by a dog, demands to have the dog euthanized spring up on the message boards. If the dog happens to be particular breed, such as a Pit Bull or German Shepherd, you can bet that the public will demand to “see justice.” Just like people, dogs aren’t born bad. There are extenuating circumstances that can change a human’s (or dog’s) behavior. Where does it all start? With the puppy parent. If your pup is exhibiting aggressive behavior, bust out the dog biscuit treats, it’s time to[...]

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3 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Special Needs Dog

care for a dog with special needs

Shelter dogs still waiting to be placed in their forever homes have a “ruff” time getting adopted for one of three reasons: -The dog is not a puppy -The dog’s breed is misunderstood by the general public -The dog has special needs 2.7 million companion animals (dogs and cats) are euthanized every year due to shelter overpopulation. The animals that are selected for euthanasia are the sick, feeble and disabled. The dogs that have the slimmest chances of being adopted. Special needs dogs, much like their seemingly healthier counterparts, can be saved. Special needs dogs can lead happy lives—all they[...]

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The bond shared between human and dog is an ancient one. Inan interview with CBC Radio Active, anthropologist Rob Losey explained that “[Humans] sharethe same kind of basic biological response to each other. It’s not only a onedirectional kind of thing. I think that’s what makes the relationship we havewith our dogs so special. That capacity arose in dogs and people a long time ago.It’s not something that arose in the last few centuries. It’s very, veryancient.” Dogs have been our four-legged companions for thousands ofyears. Time and time again they have proven their love, loyalty and devotion tous. It[...]

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