Category: Uncategorized

Dog Park Etiquette: 3 Things to Do Before You Unleash

Unleashing in Excitement Upon Arrival in the Park

When you grab your car keys and your pup’s leash, they know what time it is: IT’S DOG PARK TIME! Your dog (it’s like they’re half kangaroo) jumps into the car and is rearing to go. Watching their little bum shake as their tail wags one hundred miles an hour warms your heart. You’re such a happy and proud puppy parent! Everyone at the park knows who your dog is by their colorful and hip personalized dog collar, and you’re grateful for that. The last thing you want is for your dog to be recognized by his bad manners! But,[...]

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Chewers Choice: 4 Chew Toys That’ll Give Your Pup a Run for Your Money

Naughty Dog is alone at home. Retriever destroyed the poor mesh toy.

When you shop online for dog toys, you might see dozens of options for novelty plushies and stuffed animal squeak toys. While these toys are super cute, you know they are too soft to last even an afternoon with your dog. Your pup is a chewer, after all. If you don’t want a living room full of torn up polyester and stuffing, you’ll need to find a stronger, more durable dog toy. Below are a few suggestions for dependable, enduring chew toys. These are sure to delight your favorite hound dog while also keeping your home free from debris. Air[...]

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4 Ways to Catapult Your Pup to Insta Fame

Tiny chihuahua dog wearing suit, straw hat and glasses relaxing in meadow

Destressing after a chaotic day at work is easy when you’re able to come home to someone who, no matter the mood you’re in or what you look like, is over-the-moon excited to see you. That’s right, we’re talking about your dog. Their cuteness alleviates agitation and anxiety. Their sweetness inspires smiles and laughter. How can you keep all of this to yourself? IT MUST BE SHARED! Before you start inundating your followers with action shot of your favorite furry friend on your personal feed, consider this: Set up their own personal Instagram page! “What, that’s crazy!” You exclaim. But[...]

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5 Pet Products Worth Their Weight in Gold

Baby Chihuahua Wearing Doggles, Sitting Under the Sunlight

Dog ownership is about more than having the prerequisite food and water bowls, leash and collar. Dog ownership requires that you take care of and love your dog through thick and thin. This is old news for the experienced dog owner, but for the new or soon-to-be puppy parents reading, the better prepared you are for #doglife, the happier you and your pup will be. Here are five pet products that’ll make dog ownership every bit as fun and wonderful as you have imagined it to be. Bully Sticks When you get home from work and settle in for the[...]

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