Category: Uncategorized

Food & Drinks at Your Next BBQ That Could Kill Your Dog…

Some very common foods can be dangerous or even fatal to your dog. Learn those foods here and be sure to share with anyone who may be caring for your dog Alcohol - Sure this one seems obvious but we've seen a lot of pictures out there of dogs next to beers. Even small amounts of alcohol can be dangerous and beer is twice as harmful due to the hops Sugar Free Gum, Candy, & Other Products - The sugar substitute used in many of these products, Xylitol, is so toxic to dogs that fatal symptons can begin appearing within[...]

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Tips on Introducing Your Baby to The Family Dog

Your dog is part of the family and to this point has been the only baby in the house. But now they're going to have some company, and that company will take up a lot of time attention dog used to receive There are two phases to introducing the dog to the new baby, those being Before and After you bring home the new bundle of joy BEFORE BRINGING HOME BABY Come up with a training plan to ensure the dog has the skills necessary to meet the baby and handle the new schedule, experiences, sounds, and activity Make sure the[...]

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Summer Safety Tips For Dogs

Check out these tips to keep your doggies safe:The weather is turning, no really it is, and there are some surprising facts about keeping your dog safe in the Summer. After all, if you had on a fur coat and couldn't sweat, how would you feel in the mid July sun? DO NOT LEAVE YOUR DOG IN AN UNATTENDED CAR! It's just not safe no matter what you do, say, or think. Know the signs of heat stress including excessive and/or rapid panting, excessive drooling, bright red gums and/or tongue, inability to balance or struggle to maintain balance, and unusual[...]

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5 Interesting Facts About Labs

Labs are uber popular, and with good reason as they're fun, energetic, versatile, and typically great with all members of the family. Here are 5 cool facts you may not have known about Labs The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog in the US...for 24 STRAIGHT YEARS!  This according to AKC registration figures The generally agreed upon start date for Labs history was in the 1500s in Newfoundland province in Canada The first Yellow Lab wasn't registered until 1899, his name was Ben of Hyde A Labs mouth is a precision instrument...they can be trained to carry something as[...]

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