Tag: Training

5 Ways to Help Prepare Your Dog for a Long Flight

It’s summertime and the living is easy. Traditionally, this is the time of year for vacations, beach getaways and just plain being away from the office. You love to travel, but you can’t stand the thought of leaving your puppy companion home alone. But do you really think your little buddy will be able to handle a long flight? Here are five ways to help your dog prepare for a long flight to ensure it remains cool, calm and collected during your plane ride. Make Sure the Airline Accepts Dogs First things first, you’ll want to examine the airline’s policy[...]

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3 Lifestyle Changes to Expect When You Get a Dog

dog begging at table

If you’re thinking about expanding your family by one furry member, it’s necessary to consider all that will change after the new pup crosses his adorable little paws over your threshold. There will be another mouth to feed, more bath times, more exercise—but there will also be a whole lotta love! Like with anything, making the decision to adopt a puppy is a significant one; dogs, much like children, demand excellent care if they’re to thrive. After bringing your little one home and getting him situated with vet appointments and adorning him with his personalized and oh-so-cute dog ID tags,[...]

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3 Ways to Curb Aggressive Behavior in Your Alpha Dog

Aggressive dog tips

Dogs get a bad rap in the news media. If someone has been bitten by a dog, demands to have the dog euthanized spring up on the message boards. If the dog happens to be particular breed, such as a Pit Bull or German Shepherd, you can bet that the public will demand to “see justice.” Just like people, dogs aren’t born bad. There are extenuating circumstances that can change a human’s (or dog’s) behavior. Where does it all start? With the puppy parent. If your pup is exhibiting aggressive behavior, bust out the dog biscuit treats, it’s time to[...]

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Getting a new dog comes with a list of responsibilities. Atthe top of that list is training. If your dog ignores your commands, jumps upon house guests and leads you on walks, the pup probably believes he is thealpha in the pack. To foster a good relationship with your dog and maintain theauthority in the relationship, you will want to establish who is in chargeright away. Following professional advice, respecting the limits of your canineand using special training tools like treats (food is always a good motivator) dogtraining collars and exercises, you and your dog will form a healthy pattern[...]

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