Tag: Top 10 Lists

Top 10 Biggest Myths About Dogs INFOGRAPHIC

INFOGRAPHIC - Top 10 Biggest Myths About Dogs! Know some other interesting myths about Dogs?  Let us know in the comments below or tweet at us: @HotDogCollars. Here are those myths in text format for easy copy & paste (just be sure to credit us and the sources above): 1. Dogs See in Black and White - Canine color vision is thought to be similar to red-green colorblindness in humans and dogs can see in blue, greenish-yellow, yellow and various shades of gray 2. Dogs Age 7 Years for Every Human Year - Dogs age faster early in life and[...]

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Top 5 Fun Videos of Chihuahuas

Chihuahua's are crazy...awesome!  Once a sacred animal in Central America, aka Mesoamerica, they're now the fun, energetic, and sometimes ferocious little bundles of energy we see today.  Check out our top 5 videos of these funny little tornadoes or personality.  Then head over to our Chihuahua section for gear made to fit your little guy or gal. Riding a Roomba Vacuum Cookie the ADORABLE Puppy Yoga Time With A Cutie Pie This Chihuahua Dances The Flamenco Paco The Crazy Puppy

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Top 5 Interesting Facts About Bulldogs!

Bet you didn't know these things about English Bulldogs! 43 Universities in the US have the Bulldog as their mascot, making it one of the most popular in the country An English Bulldog can actually run at up to 15 mph. That assumes he or she wants to, because you can't make them if they don't want to. Bulldogs tend to live up to their stubborn reputation... Despite their stubbornness, Bulldogs are actually quite intelligent. Once trained they make excellent pets or even watch dogs :-o The English Bulldog that we know and love today is a descendant of the[...]

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