Tag: health

Should You Vaccinate Your Dog?

With all the different stories in recent years about vaccines, let's be perfectly clear on this:  Puppy vaccines are essential for a healthy pet. The sooneryou start your puppy on a regular vaccination program, the healthier andhappier your pet will be. While the rabies vaccine is required by law, theother shots will also protect your new pet from disease. You can be sure thatregular vaccinations are healthy for your dog, and the possible side effectsare usually minimal. Side Effects and Reactions Some mild discomfort at the injection side is normal, andshould be expected. In some cases, your puppy may experience[...]

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Vets Are Expensive! 7 Ways To Save on Dog Health Care

If you're like most dog owners, then you want the best life possible foryour canine companion. You also dread taking your pet to the veterinarian.There's always a new bill to pay, and it's hard to afford the rising costs ofveterinary care. Luckily, you have options. Here are seven ways to get free ordiscounted vet services for your dog. Blood Donor Discounts Humans aren't the only species that can donate blood. Canine heroes arealso needed. Donated blood is used during surgeries, emergency repairs, and forsome cancer treatments. Some veterinary hospitals offer free or discountedservices to blood donors. Your pet can get free[...]

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How to Keep Your Dog Safe In The Cold Weather

It's time to think about how you will keep your pets safe and comfortable in the cold weather Cold weather safety tips for your dogs Stay Inside - Sure it is the most obvious answer, but even the heartiest of animals has their limits. Let the dog or cat inside when it gets cold outside. Wipe Down - Clean and wipe your dogs paws, stomach, and legs after letting them out in the winter. Aside from this being generally hygienic, it can help prevent accidental ingestion of antifreeze, road salts, and other dangerous chemicals. HINT, this is a good tip[...]

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Food & Drinks at Your Next BBQ That Could Kill Your Dog…

Some very common foods can be dangerous or even fatal to your dog. Learn those foods here and be sure to share with anyone who may be caring for your dog Alcohol - Sure this one seems obvious but we've seen a lot of pictures out there of dogs next to beers. Even small amounts of alcohol can be dangerous and beer is twice as harmful due to the hops Sugar Free Gum, Candy, & Other Products - The sugar substitute used in many of these products, Xylitol, is so toxic to dogs that fatal symptons can begin appearing within[...]

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