Tag: fun

Personality, Pizazz and Peagle Style

Every dog breed at there has their own look. Long or curlyfur, brown or hazel eyes, black or pink paw pads—every dog is his ownrepresentation of what it is to be a dog. Take a look at the Peagle. A crossbreedbetween the Pekingese and Beagle, the Peagle is a small, spotted pooch knownwidely for its affection and penchant for cuddles. To introduce the world tothe fun and cute personality of your pup, investing in personalized dog tags for yourpets is the best way to go. Pekingese + Beagle =Peagle What are the characteristics of the two breeds that make upyour[...]

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Leash Training Your New Rescue Dog

You had been wanting to adopt a dog for a long time, butwaited until you were in a position to take good care of the pup. Afterbringing your new furry bundle of joy home, you want to do all that you can togive him a great life. As far as you knew, every dog loves a long walk, but forwhatever reason, your new playmate isn’t feeling it.You’ve tried different dog collars and dog leashes,you’ve tried training him with treats, but nothing seems to be working. Youdon’t want him trapped inside all day, and you’ve read that walking your dog isa[...]

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Special Occasion? Dress Up Skip with a Handsome Pet Collar

Times of celebration call for some new duds. It’s theperfect excuse to buy that dress you’ve been eyeing or to get that boyfriendblazer that has never, ever been on sale. It’s almost as though specialoccasions call for a new outfit. I mean think about it—wasn’t one of theexciting things about Easter as a kid (a part from the awesome egg hunt)wearing your new Easter outfit to church that Sunday morning? As that oldsaying goes, “the clothes make the man,” but doesn’t Skip deserve a chance toshine in the spotlight? Here at HotDogCollars, we offer proud pet parents a wideselection of[...]

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10 Tricks To Get Dog Hair Out Of Your Car

10 Ways To Get Dog Hair Out Of The Car Dog owners love to have their furry friends in their cars - they are part of the family and provide emotional support that is almost therapeutic. However, getting the dog hair out of the car afterwards can be difficult and tiresome. While vacuuming seems like the most obvious solution, it always seems to leave many small hairs behind. Here are some other ways to keep the car interior dog hair-free.to avoid giving your dog the wrong lessons is to identify common training mistakes so you don't make them. A Rubber[...]

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